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italki-The best platform for learning multiple languages.

by Lidia Lucovic

Introduction: The Need for Multilingual Learning

In this digital learning era, “learning” has gradually shifted to the internet, whether it’s skills or languages. There are many online course platforms, including numerous online English courses.

Among the many online English platforms, there is a very special one: italki. It not only offers English courses but also has teachers from all over the world teaching different languages, from common Chinese, Japanese, and Korean to Arabic, Inuktitut, and Palauan, making it very diverse.

In this italki review article, I will take you through a detailed understanding of this platform, from basic functionality introduction and pricing standards to sharing real experience feedback, pros and cons evaluation, and even teach you how to choose the most suitable teacher for yourself.

What is italki?

It is a global language teaching and community platform founded in 2006, with up to 5 million users from 180 different countries.

The platform offers a wide range of language options, with over 10,000 teachers from 120 countries, and even includes the ability to learn dialects (such as Minnanese, Hakka, Cantonese, etc. in the Chinese market).

italki aims to create a positive learning community and has introduced many unique features and systems that are not found on other platforms, allowing language learners to find like-minded partners and exchange knowledge.

What kind of people is italki suitable for learning?

#1 People with limited learning time.

If you are unable to find time to attend cram schools or have an irregular work schedule with limited flexible time, then italki is perfect for you.

With italki, you can freely choose your class schedule and each class only lasts for a short period of time, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes. You are not limited to attending classes at the same time every day, allowing you to better utilize your time.

#2 Those who want to pass language proficiency tests.

Many schools and companies now have English proficiency requirements, such as TOEIC or TOEFL exams. Many people miss out on promotion or graduation opportunities because they cannot meet these requirements.

If you want to pass a language proficiency exam, italki’s online teachers are all professionally certified and can design a customized course for you. Whether you lack skills in listening, speaking, reading, or writing, the teacher will help you improve your English proficiency in a short period of time.

#3 Job requires language proficiency.

If you work in a foreign company or frequently travel abroad, your language skills must not be too poor. At this time, you can practice conversation through italki.

Or maybe your “reading and writing” skills are good, but you are not so confident in your “listening and speaking” skills. Practicing speaking in a foreign language on italki every day with native speakers can also improve your language skills.

#4 Needs practice in writing articles.

If you need to practice writing articles or essays, you can also use italki. You can find a language partner who is willing to read and correct your writing, or you can hire a professional tutor to give you feedback and guidance on your writing skills. With regular practice and feedback, you can improve your writing skills and become a better communicator in your target language.

#5 People who think about local tourism.

Some people have a dream of traveling to different places, but they are afraid of talking to foreigners and find it difficult to speak English even though they have many ideas. italki teachers encourage speaking English through chatting, even if the grammar and sentences are not correct. They gradually help you to love English and make you less afraid of traveling.

italki platform feature introduction

italki platform is an online language learning platform that provides teaching services for multiple languages. The following are its main features:

  1. Language teaching: italki platform provides online teaching services for multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, etc.
  2. One-on-one teaching: The teaching method of italki platform is one-on-one. Students can have real-time voice or video communication with teachers for personalized learning.
  3. Professional teachers: The teachers on italki platform are rigorously screened and certified professional teachers with rich teaching experience and professional knowledge.
  4. Flexible arrangement: Students can freely choose teachers and class time according to their own time and needs, and flexibly arrange their learning plans.
  5. Language exchange: italki platform also provides language exchange services. Students can communicate with language partners from all over the world to improve their language proficiency.
  6. Learning resources: italki platform also provides a large number of learning resources, including teaching videos, exercises, language learning communities, etc., to help students learn languages better.

In summary, italki platform is a convenient, efficient, and professional online language learning platform that provides students with multiple learning methods and resources to help them learn languages better.

Ways of taking classes on italki

  1. Choose a teacher: On italki, you can choose a teacher you like and view their profile, ratings, and course prices.
  2. Book a class: After selecting a teacher, you can book a class and choose the time and date.
  3. Prepare for class: Before class, you can communicate with the teacher to confirm the course content and learning objectives. You can also prepare notes, questions, and learning materials.
  4. Take the class: During the class time, you can have an online class with the teacher through italki’s video function. During the class, you can interact with the teacher, practice speaking and listening skills.
  5. Rate and give feedback: After the class, you can rate and give feedback to the teacher to help other students choose a suitable teacher. The teacher will also give you feedback to help you further improve your language skills.

The ways of taking classes on italki are flexible and can be adjusted according to the student’s needs and time. Through italki, you can easily learn languages, interact with teachers and students from all over the world, and expand your language skills and cultural horizons.

Pricing Plans of italki

The cost plans of italki vary depending on the teacher and course. Here are some common cost plans:

  1. Pay per lesson: Most teachers charge per lesson, with prices usually ranging from $10 to $50 per lesson. The length of the lesson also varies depending on the teacher, usually 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes.
  2. Purchase lesson packages: Some teachers offer lesson packages where you can purchase multiple lessons and enjoy a discount. For example, you can purchase 10 lessons and receive a 10% discount.
  3. Purchase italki credits: italki credits are the virtual currency of the italki platform, which you can use to pay for lessons. You can purchase italki credits on italki, with 1 USD equal to 10 italki credits. Some teachers also accept italki credits as a payment method.

Regardless of which cost plan you choose, italki will charge a service fee. For example, when you purchase lessons or italki credits, italki will charge a 3% service fee. Additionally, if you need to cancel a scheduled lesson, you must cancel it at least 24 hours before the lesson starts, or you will not receive a refund.

How to choose the right teacher on italki

On italki, you can choose a suitable teacher by following these steps:

  1. Determine your learning goals: Before selecting a teacher, you need to clarify your learning goals, such as improving your speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills.
  2. Search for teachers: When searching for teachers on italki, you can filter by your learning goals, language, price, teaching experience, and other criteria.
  3. Read the teacher’s profile: Before selecting a teacher, you can carefully read their profile, including teaching experience, teaching style, teaching methods, student reviews, and more.
  4. Schedule a trial lesson: Before selecting a teacher, you can schedule a trial lesson to understand their teaching style and methods and see if they are suitable for you.
  5. Refer to other students’ reviews: Before selecting a teacher, you can refer to other students’ reviews to understand the teacher’s teaching quality and effectiveness.
  6. In summary, selecting a suitable teacher requires careful screening and comparison based on your learning goals and needs, trying and experiencing multiple teachers, and ultimately selecting the one that suits you best.

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