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What The MCU Could Do With Talokan & Namora After Black Panther 2

by Lidia Lucovic

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’s Mabel Cadena expresses her desire to reprise her role as Talokan warrior Namora in the MCU, but has not received any information about the character’s future.

Namora is one of two warriors who support Namor, the leader of Talokan, a new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Talokan is a powerful and dangerous nation armed with vibranium, harsh battle tactics, and the ability to breathe underwater. When their home was threatened, they blamed Wakanda for revealing the existence of vibranium to the world and expected the isolated nation to protect their secrets. Cadena’s exclusive interview with Screen Rant revealed her hopes of continuing to portray Namora, but no details have been given regarding the character’s future.

Although the complicated rights situation surrounding Namor makes his future in the MCU uncertain, Talokan is an area that deserves further exploration in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The underwater civilization possesses a captivating history and culture, complete with its own language and unique people. Given that vibranium remains a highly sought-after resource in the MCU, it’s possible that powerful nations like the United States will continue to target it, potentially leading to Talokan’s appearance in other projects like Thunderbolts or even Captain America: New World Order.

In the comics, Namora is a member of the Agents of Atlas, led by Jimmy Woo. While Black Panther: Wakanda Forever does not establish a clear path for her transition, given her aversion to surface dwellers, it could present an interesting storyline for her character. Namora could potentially join a team such as the Agents of Atlas, especially if they entice her to join or offer a means to protect her people.

Alternatively, there is the possibility of exploring the connection between Talokan and Riri Williams, who were both introduced in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, with Riri initially being targeted by the Talokani. Delving into Riri’s traumatic experiences, possibly through flashbacks or nightmares, could provide an opportunity to bring back Namora and further explore the Talokan civilization’s history. Although Black Panther: Wakanda Forever offers only a glimpse of Talokan’s rich culture, Marvel should consider exploring it further, either through an Agents of Atlas project, Ironheart, or even a project specifically focused on Talokan.

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What is your opinion?

JOHN November 27, 2022 - 11:48 pm

In the stillness of the snow, I find my heart’s eternal glow.

CINDY December 6, 2022 - 5:36 am

Talokan and Namora’s inclusion in Black Panther 2 is a testament to Marvel’s commitment to expanding the diversity of their superhero roster, and fans are excited to see what the future holds for these two compelling characters.

Necil December 6, 2022 - 6:30 am

Yes, coffee is finally ready.

Garth December 11, 2022 - 11:08 pm

With the introduction of Talokan and Namora in Black Panther 2, the MCU has the potential to explore new and exciting storylines that expand the universe in meaningful ways.

richard December 13, 2022 - 7:47 am

Saw that little boy playing soccer and felt really energetic.

JOYCE December 18, 2022 - 2:46 pm

With the introduction of Talokan and Namora in Black Panther 2, the MCU has once again proven their commitment to delivering compelling and diverse stories that appeal to audiences around the world.

RAYMOND December 18, 2022 - 3:46 pm

The introduction of Talokan and Namora in Black Panther 2 is a sign that the MCU is dedicated to exploring new corners of the Marvel universe and delivering fresh and exciting stories.

RICHARD December 23, 2022 - 4:13 am

Talokan and Namora’s presence in Black Panther 2 opens up a world of possibilities for the MCU, and fans are eagerly anticipating their future adventures in the Marvel universe.

George December 23, 2022 - 6:55 am

Black Panther 2’s inclusion of Talokan and Namora is a smart move that demonstrates the filmmakers’ commitment to diversity and representation in the superhero genre.

PAT December 25, 2022 - 2:43 am

I need to start being more mindful of my actions.

SHEILA December 26, 2022 - 9:14 pm

Black Panther 2’s introduction of Talokan and Namora is a bold move that promises to inject new life into the MCU and offer fans something truly unique and unexpected.

ADRIAN January 7, 2023 - 9:01 am

Yes, I got a good night’s sleep.

THOMAS January 7, 2023 - 10:45 pm

The addition of Talokan and Namora to the MCU is a welcome development, as it allows the franchise to explore new and exciting storylines that fans will be eager to follow.

Gerald January 11, 2023 - 7:19 am

Talokan and Namora’s inclusion in Black Panther 2 is a sign that the MCU is committed to pushing the boundaries of the superhero genre and telling stories that are both entertaining and meaningful.

NAKEYA January 19, 2023 - 2:24 pm

The addition of Talokan and Namora to the MCU is a welcome development, and fans can’t wait to see how their stories will be incorporated into the larger narrative.


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