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10 Small Choices in Baldur’s Gate 3 That Hold Significant Story Consequences

by Lidia Lucovic

1、Investigating Kagha

Normally, intruding into someone’s home or private space is considered impolite, but for the more inquisitive, there are intriguing discoveries to be made about Kagha. Sneaking around the library adjacent to the main area where Kagha and Rath are found reveals a secret personal chest tucked behind a bookcase. Unlocking it exposes a note and a book that initiates a new quest to probe into the Grove’s current leader. This quest sheds light on Kagha’s actions and introduces new dialogue options, not only when confronting her but also upon Halsin’s return.

2、Assisting the Tiefling Kids

A small act of kindness can yield significant benefits, especially concerning the tiefling children. Assisting any of the children within the Druid Grove, such as rescuing Arabella from Kagha or Mirkon from the harpies, will earn the party an invitation to meet Mol. Mol has taken charge of the other orphaned children and will express gratitude for the assistance, offering her services as a vendor. Moreover, helping the children will earn Mol’s favor, proving advantageous at the beginning of Act 2. She will advocate for the party to Jaheira upon their arrival at the Last Light Inn.

3、The Enigmatic Ox

The “Speak with Animals” spell is elevated to impressive heights in Baldur’s Gate 3, offering intriguing conversations with a variety of voiced animals along the Sword Coast. While these interactions usually provide additional insights into the game’s world, the peculiar ox in the Druid Grove presents a unique mystery. This odd creature is evidently more than it appears, yet initial attempts at communication yield no answers.

4、Engaging with Rolan

Upon first entering the Druid Grove in Act 1, the party encounters three siblings embroiled in a disagreement about whether to stay or leave. Lia, the sister, advocates for staying and aiding in the fight, while Rolan insists on departing. At this juncture, the party can take a stance, and siding with Lia unlocks further quests in Baldur’s Gate 3.

In Act Two, Rolan reappears, revealing that he had aided in rescuing tiefling children from the Absolute cultists. However, his siblings have been captured. If they are rescued and Rolan survives the Shadow-Cursed Lands, he can be encountered again in Act Three. This time, Rolan is employed at Lorrokan’s shop and can be persuaded to turn against his new employer if his siblings were saved in Act 2. Interestingly, a simple act of mediating a sibling dispute leads to the rescue of children and the potential gain of a new ally.

5、Exploring the Owlbear Cave

Entering an owlbear cave may not initially seem like a prudent idea, but any party determined to thoroughly explore Act 1’s map will likely encounter this location. Within, a mother owlbear fiercely protects her young, and the sensible course of action might be to leave before a confrontation. However, if the mother is defeated, her cub can be later found at the Goblin Camp. With some coaxing, the baby owlbear can be persuaded to join the team and accompany the party to their camp. This not only adds one of the most endearing characters to the camp but also provides a significant advantage in the final battle during Act 3.

6、Romantic Relationships and the Impact on Shadowheart

Romantic relationships are a prominent aspect of Baldur’s Gate 3, with options even extending to polyamory. However, there are characters like Lae’zel and Shadowheart who are firmly exclusive. One must exercise caution when planning to romance Shadowheart, the cleric of Shar, as engaging in ‘evenings’ with Lae’zel could complicate matters. Lae’zel expresses her intentions quite openly towards the player character, and it is possible to engage with her intimately before forming a deeper relationship. Nevertheless, this choice will preclude the option of romancing Shadowheart if the Lae’zel relationship is not concluded before the camp celebration in Act 1.

7、Speaking with Isobel

Upon arriving at the Last Light Inn at the outset of Act 2, the party is promptly directed to speak with Isobel, a cleric of Selune, by Jaheira. Ostensibly, this is a matter of obtaining her blessing before venturing into the Shadow-Cursed Land. However, engaging with Isobel triggers an attack by the forces of the Absolute, led by the former Flaming Fist member, Marcus.

8、Lady Esther and the Eggs

Journeying into the Mountain Pass area, the party encounters Lady Esther, a member of the Society of Brilliance, who tasks them with retrieving a githyanki egg. This quest can be completed in different ways, either by providing her with the desired item or substituting it with an owlbear egg. However, handing over either egg results in a grim fate for the Society of Brilliance in Baldur’s Gate, as the hatched githyanki or owlbear go on a rampage, causing loss of life within their lodge.

9、Freeing an Artist Leads to Further Quests

During Act 1, there’s an opportunity to visit a Zhentarim hideout and encounter a captive artist named Oskar. Upon liberation, Oskar expresses gratitude and promises a reward upon the party’s eventual arrival in Baldur’s Gate. While it may seem like a concluded matter, meeting Oskar again in Act 3 reveals a turn of events.

Rescuing Oskar can set in motion a far-reaching questline, bringing the party into contact with the Mystic Carrion, a mummy lord residing in Baldur’s Gate. Subsequently, this unfolds into a distinct quest, prompted by the departure of some of the Mystic’s servants. These questlines unveil significant loot and lore, all stemming from a single encounter in Act 1.

10、Taking Raphael’s Deal

In Baldur’s Gate 3, one seemingly inconsequential decision in Act 3 can have profound implications—Raphael’s deal. While the dilemma of aiding either Prince Orpheus or the Emperor may appear substantial, in the broader cosmic perspective, it lacks considerable significance. Both options offer comparable assistance against the Netherbrain.

However, the significance of this decision lies in Raphael’s desires. In exchange for the Orphic Hammer, Raphael seeks the Crown of Karsus, clearly expressing his ambition to rule the Nine Hells. The gravity of this decision unfolds through a post-credits cutscene with Raphael, underscoring his unrestrained intentions. It becomes evident that Raphael harbors aspirations beyond the Nine Hells, thereby implicating the protagonist of Baldur’s Gate 3 in a decision with far-reaching consequences, dooming millions with a stroke of a pen.

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