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What’s Going On With Riker and Troi In Picard Season 3?

by Lidia Lucovic

The third season of Star Trek: Picard has hinted at potential trouble in the long-standing marriage of Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), two beloved characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Riker and Troi’s love story began before they joined the crew of the USS Enterprise-D, when Riker was stationed on Troi’s home planet Betazed. As colleagues on the Enterprise-D, they developed a close friendship, which eventually blossomed into a romance in the third TNG film, Star Trek: Insurrection. The couple got married in the fourth and final TNG film, Star Trek: Nemesis, before Riker was promoted to Captain of the USS Titan. Riker and Troi later left Starfleet to start a family on Nepenthe, where they raised their daughter Kestra (Lulu Wilson) after their son Thad passed away from a rare disease.

After receiving a cryptic distress call from Dr. Beverly Crusher, who had been absent for a long time, Jean-Luc Picard meets with Riker at Ten Forward, Guinan’s bar on Earth. Picard expresses remorse for taking Riker away from his family, to which Riker responds solemnly, suggesting that his wife and daughter might welcome some time apart from him. Although Picard is visibly concerned that his two friends may be having marital difficulties, he cannot dwell on the issue, as his mission is too urgent.

It is unclear what could have caused a rift between Riker and Troi. In their appearance in “Nepenthe” in Star Trek: Picard season 1, they seemed to be still grappling with the death of their son but supporting each other as best they could. While Riker was once known for his womanizing ways, it is almost inconceivable that he would be unfaithful to Troi at this point in his life. Although Troi does not appear in the first episode of Picard season 3, she is confirmed to make an appearance later this season, likely revealing the reason behind the couple’s strife.

Will Season 3 of “Star Trek: Picard” Bring an End to the Best Love Story in the Franchise?
In a franchise that embodies hope and optimism, long-lasting romantic love has often proved elusive for many of its major characters, particularly for the love-averse Jean-Luc Picard. Riker and Troi, however, have been the exception to the rule, with their journey from youthful romance to close friendship to rekindled love serving as one of the most gratifying relationships in the Star Trek universe.

The possibility of “Star Trek: Picard” ending Riker and Troi’s marriage in its third season would be truly surprising. The couple has been through too much, and has endured too many losses and struggles, to end their marriage at this late stage in their narrative. It seems likely that Riker and Troi will reconcile before the final curtain falls on the TNG cast, as their love and loyalty to one another is expected to overcome any other obstacles.

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Brian January 27, 2023 - 12:47 pm

The presence of Riker and Troi in Picard Season 3 is a testament to the show’s commitment to honoring and building upon the legacy of the Star Trek franchise, while also forging new paths for its characters and stories.

Corine January 30, 2023 - 6:03 pm

The decision to bring back Riker and Troi in Picard Season 3 is a smart move that taps into the nostalgia and emotional resonance of the Star Trek universe, while also adding new layers to their characters.

ASHLEY February 1, 2023 - 3:37 am

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CAROLYN February 1, 2023 - 4:37 am

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JAMES February 2, 2023 - 3:18 pm

The return of Riker and Troi in Picard Season 3 is a thrilling development for fans, and their involvement in the story promises to add depth and emotional resonance to the show.

Ngoc Thanh February 5, 2023 - 4:13 pm

Riker and Troi’s return in Picard Season 3 is a welcome reminder of the enduring appeal of these beloved characters, and their involvement in the story is sure to generate plenty of buzz among fans.

Michael February 10, 2023 - 7:50 am

The reunion of Riker and Troi in Picard Season 3 is a poignant moment that pays tribute to their past adventures while also advancing the show’s ongoing storylines.

Debbie February 15, 2023 - 6:01 am

The return of Riker and Troi in Picard Season 3 is an exciting development that promises to explore new aspects of their characters and their relationship, while also deepening the show’s connection to the wider Star Trek universe.

JO February 16, 2023 - 12:16 am

The addition of Riker and Troi to the cast of Picard Season 3 is a smart move that adds depth and complexity to the show’s ensemble, while also paying homage to their iconic roles in the Star Trek canon.

Frances February 17, 2023 - 9:47 am

Riker and Troi’s return in Picard Season 3 is a bold move that demonstrates the show’s willingness to explore new possibilities within the Star Trek universe, while also staying true to the core themes and values of the franchise.

CHEREE February 18, 2023 - 2:45 am

The reunion of Riker and Troi in Picard Season 3 is a poignant moment that showcases the enduring bond between these two characters, and their involvement in the story promises to be a highlight of the season.

LARHONDA February 20, 2023 - 4:59 am

The chemistry between Riker and Troi has always been a highlight of the Star Trek franchise, and their reappearance in Picard Season 3 is sure to be a fan-favorite moment.


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