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Power Rangers Blue Ranger as “fixers” within the team

by Lidia Lucovic

What’s Power Rangers franchise

The Power Rangers franchise is an iconic cultural phenomenon that has captivated audiences for decades. Originally debuting in 1993, it’s a superhero series that combines action, adventure, and teamwork. Its enduring popularity stems from a unique blend of martial arts, colorful costumes, powerful Zords (giant fighting robots), and moral lessons.

The series typically revolves around a group of diverse teenagers or young adults who are chosen to become Power Rangers. Each Ranger is assigned a color and possesses unique abilities and skills. The team works together to combat various antagonistic forces threatening their city, the world, or even the universe. Usually, they fight using martial arts and powerful weapons, often culminating in the use of their Zords to defeat giant-sized monsters.

The Power Rangers’ enduring appeal lies in the themes of teamwork, friendship, and inclusivity. Despite their differences, the Rangers unite to overcome challenges and protect the world. Moreover, each series within the franchise features a new storyline, a different team of Rangers, and various adversaries, allowing for fresh narratives and character developments.

Over the years, the franchise has expanded to include television series, movies, comic books, toys, and various merchandise. It continues to attract fans across generations, offering nostalgic value to older audiences and captivating younger viewers with its timeless themes of heroism and unity.

In the broader context of the Power Rangers franchise, the role of the Blue Ranger holds greater significance than commonly perceived by most audiences. The comic-book series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, now definitively reaffirms the pivotal nature of this role.

Within the pages of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112, scripted by Melissa Flores and illustrated by Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms, and Ed Dukeshire, the Blue Ranger, Billy, finds himself immersed in the Morphin’ Grid. Here, he encounters a holographic program of Grace’s younger self, an artificial construct developed before her passing. Through this program, Grace aimed to transport Billy to a secure location in case of unforeseen events while providing a sanctuary to impart crucial information. Grace’s Morphin Grid program precisely accomplishes this task, urging Billy to investigate an anomaly within the Grid termed “The Shattering.

Billy questions whether he is suited for the role or if he can shoulder such a substantial responsibility. He expresses hesitance, noting that he isn’t the team’s leader. Grace intervenes, affirming that as the Blue Ranger, “being the problem solver is your role. […] It’s an inherent trait in all Blue Rangers.”

In the current narrative arc in the comics, the Power Rangers face the “Darkest Hour” event, marked by Dark Specter’s reappearance, utilizing Zordon’s body as a vessel. This unfolds alongside Rita Repulsa’s efforts to revive Dark Specter, resulting in the tragic demise of Grace Sterling, the inaugural Red Ranger and a mentor figure to Billy, the Blue Ranger. Reflecting on the history of Blue Rangers within Power Rangers lore, including Billy, Grace’s assertion resonates profoundly. Billy notably establishes this pattern, frequently assuming the role of the team’s intellectual genius, adept at problem-solving and inventing tools such as communicators to facilitate the Rangers’ tasks.

Considering this rationale, the retroactive decision of former Red Ranger TJ assuming the role of Blue in Space seems logically sound. Similarly, the manipulation of the Blue Ranger, Kai, by Lord Zedd in Dino/Cosmic Fury is now understandable as Blue Rangers naturally tend to fill such crucial roles. Throughout Power Rangers history, numerous instances highlight the Blue Ranger’s placement as the team’s second-in-command, aligning with the archetype of a “problem solver.”

This archetype solidifies the defining identity of a Blue Ranger. While the color red often signifies leadership, blue hasn’t traditionally carried such a distinctive emblem. Presently, when contemplating Blue Rangers, one can acknowledge the substantial historical role they play as “fixers” within the team. Billy, as the original Blue Ranger, established this precedent. Now, during the Power Rangers’ “Darkest Hour,” he emerges as the potential key to remedying the most significant challenge the franchise has ever confronted.

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